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lady katsuke • 2 years ago

*law loses an arm
shanks: welcome to the club

<LUCIFER> 《SENPAI》9x9 • 2 years ago

Shanks and law :: this is only for LUFFY 😂

Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

Leo and Manshery:Sike

Kangaroo • 2 years ago

oh wow that went dark. good thing he’s a doctor. Also can Trebol dig himself underground so we cant hear him again. he’s too annoying

Hajime Nagumo • 2 years ago

Is it weird that i find it funny lol

Anime_Lover_XD • 3 months ago

Naah I hate it. It's feels a bit annoying.

Kibamaru_90 • 1 year ago

Lmao I like it as well

Valeria • 1 year ago

Lowk i love it

KiriShenpai • 2 years ago

some gorilla tape should stick that arm back dont even need the fruit

Meme_ladybug💫 • 1 year ago


Okk • 2 years ago


Gomu gomu no • 1 year ago

Ne ne will you shut up?

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

lemme do that for you in japanese romanji
"ne ne, damatte kuramasen ka?"

Eren D. Uzamaki • 3 months ago

Ok lemme say thank you in japanese romanji
"haha... Harigato shue-san"
Hope it's right.

Gomu gomu no • 1 year ago

Ahh ty😹

Raven Shue • 1 year ago


martforge • 11 months ago


Xiaojian • 2 years ago

How come the fake doffy was killed only by a stab from two weak opponents
and strong luffy be taking ages to defeat the same fake doffy. Doesn't make sense
fortunately Corazon backstory made up for the dragging

Grilled cheese sandwich • 1 year ago

Bro he did not die, he decided to leave; as the only reason he went there was to mock luffy and law

Wadu wadu hek • 2 years ago

Story is being stretched waaaay too much

Hajime Nagumo • 2 years ago

that's why this arc aired 2 years

King of wasting time • 2 months ago

Me watching 2 years of work in just one night 🙃

Nivita • 11 months ago

strings were cut first time, but this time he had to gattle to tear those strings apart

Rimuru007 • 2 years ago

imagine how strong mingo is, like he is fighting law and luffy(with his close) at the same time+ he is also controlling tons of citizens in the city

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

oh and dont forget the birdcage is still up

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

i mean thats why hes warlord as well lmaoooo, mans at mihawk level ngl

Rimuru007 • 1 year ago

nope. mihawk is a lot powerful than him. the bird cage was just a plot armor to move the story smoothly i think.

Raven Shue • 1 year ago

daaaamn okayyy

BreeZy Venerable • 2 years ago

How does his string clone have free will???

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

It's being controlled by Doflamingo.
As for how it talks, it's actually simple. Ever played with a home made "phone" with 2 cups and a string? It's that simple.

Grilled cheese sandwich • 1 year ago

You didn't watch naruto?

GhibliLover • 2 years ago

aaa no my baby law's arm

spoon • 2 years ago

he can just put it back

GhibliLover • 2 years ago

still it hurts t_t

Keith • 2 years ago

Yeah it will, it hurts and he's also loosing a lot of blood there so he can't cast a room that easily

创Rex | SRDP • 1 year ago

It hurts that he cant hug u in two hands that he lost one

Jamk • 1 year ago

Law should be able to reattach his arm using his power so no problem

Eren D. Uzamaki • 3 months ago

I think he lost stamina and doffy would just stop him from during so. He needs a distraction that only luffy can provide, hope it happens in the next ep.

Musab Rehman • 1 year ago

title : 05:58

y🤍 • 2 years ago


Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

Pica pica pica ra ra ra ra

Nico Robin II • 2 years ago

Hey PICAboo how coward of you show yourself to Zoro!

AYo bored • 2 years ago

pica on the wall gives hokage vibes lmao

Otaku_Girl • 8 months ago

Seeing Law's arm torn off like that hurt. Some people actually have accidents like that in real life. Just thinking about it I can feel the pain.

Eren D. Uzamaki • 3 months ago

Depends really on the type of cut. If it was a clean cut like 'medical amputation' level clean cut, then it would just burn(as the patient described it). But if it was a rough cut like a 'rusty saw' level cut then it would so painful that some people pass out and then don't remember the pain they felt. I think doffy cut law's arm just enough roughness where he would feel tremendous amount of pain and still be able to remember it. Like the goffy mucus devil fruit eater said "finally, the string saw cut", and yes that must have BEEN PAINFUL.

logicity • 8 months ago

The dragging is even worse than naruto

Eren D. Uzamaki • 3 months ago

Then just press that 10 sec skip botton until you feel interested.

I do it when there is unnecessary info dumping.

logicity • 3 months ago

Ma guy i skipped whole episodes, fk its author.

Eren D. Uzamaki • 3 months ago

It's not the author's fault, the manga is well paced. The toei animation studio is to fault here, they scratch thing wayyyy too much. But I kinda like it, and if people don't like it then they'll have to wait for the Wit studio's version(they promised a well paced version).

martforge • 11 months ago

Luffy please hurry. You must save Law!